With the recent rains and melting snow, the somewhat seasonal streams that run through the property have really come alive. These two videos come from an area that might end up seeing a lot of blog exposure because of how easy they are to access on foot. Jennifer and I took trip into the woods of the west side of the creek today. Like some sort of trophy earned through great effort and skill, I showed her the location of the Northwest survey pin and gave her a glimpse down the Western border that I hacked through the overgrowth and marked with flags. She hasn't quite got her bearings on that side, but she did enjoy the trip...well, that was until I had to "help" her up an embankment that was attempting to swallow her whole! Anyway, she finally got a chance to stand beside the enormous tree that resides over there. Snapped a pick of her below.

There is so much that has to be done. We pray for guidance, patience and the resources to accomplish it all so that one day we can say, "We did it, we finally have a farm and we're working toward a self sufficient existence." Right now, that seems so far away. I remind myself to focus on the baby steps because one day we'll be off and running!