Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Driveway Culvert Permit Approved!

After somewhat of a wait, I'm happy to report that the permit for a driveway culvert and skirt has been approved.  After a few phone calls, I was able to procure 40' of a 12" double walled PVC culvert and the junction collar for just over $220 including tax and delivery.  The permit calls for 30' so I'll cut the pipe down before installation and save the extra 10' for another project that I'll detail later.

I'm in awe of how things have worked out thus far.  God finds His way and uses people to further His plan unknowingly sometimes.  I'm happy to say that we were once again bless by Divine intervention.  This time, it saved us a fairly substantial sum of money.  How?  Well, it just so happens that the frontage (approximately 305') has been slated for right-of-way access, storm run-off and road improvements.  The township is having a contractor trim the overgrowth and improve the drainage ditch.  The Illuminating Company was concerned about the sucker trees and thick brush sprouting under the wires as they run parallel to the street.  The township was concerned with the same as it pertained to the shrinking ditch that carries water to the creek on the property.  So, the crew will remove all the shrubbery, clear the small sucker trees back to just behind the telephone poles and return the street side drainage ditch to fully functional status.  As part of the work, the contractor has agreed to prepare the ditch, in the area of the driveway, for acceptance of our culvert and grade the property so that the run off flows into the ditch at the skirt as part of the job!  This is a huge savings for us!

I'll post photos of the before and after as the work progresses.  As for now, we're having the culvert delivered to a generous neighbor until we can arrange a convenient time for 10 tons of 304 or 411 stone to be delivered and tamped into place.  It won't be long before we'll be able to at least pull off the street and onto the property when we visit.  Can't wait!

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