Saturday, March 2, 2019

You'll never believe this...

Things have been evidently stagnant for this blog as a result of several factors.  Securing an excavator willing to take on the task of transforming the wooded landscape into a place hospitable for a home to be built proved challenging.  The cost associated with this endeavor is substantial, to say the least.  Jennifer and I prayed about it, asking God to supply the needs and get things rolling already!  Well, if ever you want to hear the Creator of the Universe laugh, tell him your well thought out plans!

We will be placing this property (7.99 acres) up for sale shortly.  Someone will eventually end up enjoying and maybe fulfilling their dreams of building a home in the country (someday) on this land, but it won't be us...

I'm excited to say that this is NOT the end of our story!  Because God is bigger than any plans we might have, any desires we think we possess and any purpose(s) we believe we might be commissioned to carry out!

In route to this property, there is a farm house we pass by and always find ourselves thinking, "Man, someone needs to tear that place down!"  It is a 14.8 acre farm with 7 acres of fenced in pasture, 4.5 of woods, a chicken coop, a wood shed/pavilion, gravel driveway, pond, mini-barn and a nice sized garage.   However, all these structures are in varying degrees of decay because of neglect.  The house, oh the house!  Someone really needs to tear it down and start over!  Well, I'm excited to say that Monday, 03.04.19 will be the day that WE employ Bevington Excavation to execute that task.  By purchasing this property, we've taken a giant leap forward from the acreage we own just down the street.  Gravel drive (check), well (check), fenced in pasture for livestock (check), cleared areas for the yard and gardens (check)!

Demolition photos coming soon...



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